Jordan High Classes of 1989-1993 Reunion

25 Sep 2021 @ Riverton City Park

reunion photo


Please to get the URL to access the photos.

The weather was perfect and the air was clear for our reunion this year. It was exciting to reminisce with dear friends and discover what you're up to now. Thank you for taking the time to attend!

We realize there were many who wished to be there but had other commitments interfere. Everyone that came was missing more friends they wanted to see, so we hope you all will make it next time... let's fill that big pavilion!

Jeff Litster was a slacker taking photos. Thanks goes to Gwen Litster and Heidi Steineckert (Alldredge) for providing these. We will be posting some more from Chris Cano [89] soon too. If anyone else who attended took photos, please so we can add them here.

Apologies for names I misspelled or forgot (especially spouses!)